NETWORK TELEMETRY The process and instrumentation for acquiring and utilizing network data remotely for network monitoring and operation. A general term for a large set of network visibility techniques and protocols, concerning aspects like data generation, collection, correlation, and consumption. Network telemetry addresses the current network operation issues and enables smooth evolution toward future intent-driven […]


MICROSERVICES  Microservices are an application architecture style where independent, self-contained programs with a single purpose can communicate over a network. Typically, these microservices can be deployed independently because they have a strong separation of responsibilities via a well-defined specification with significant backwards compatibility to avoid sudden dependency breakage (Makai, 2021). Microservices are a way to […]

How to get Python and how to get to use it 2?

Now that you have Python 3 installed, it’s time to check if it works and make the very first use of it. This will be a very simple procedure, but it should be enough to convince you that the Python environment is complete and functional. There are many ways of utilizing Python, especially if you’re going […]

How to get Python and how to get to use it?

There are several ways to get your own copy of Python 3, depending on the operating system you use. Linux users most probably have Python already installed – this is the most likely scenario, as Python’s infrastructure is intensively used by many Linux OS components. For example, some distributors may couple their specific tools together with the […]

PyPy and RPython

Take a look at the logo → It’s a rebus. Can you solve it? It’s a logo of the PyPy – a Python within a Python. In other words, it represents a Python environment written in Python-like language named RPython(Restricted Python). It is actually a subset of Python. The source code of PyPy is not run in the interpretation […]


Another version of Python is called Jython. “J” is for “Java”. Imagine a Python written in Java instead of “C”. This is useful, for example, if you develop large and complex systems written entirely in Java and want to add some Python flexibility to them. The traditional CPython may be difficult to integrate into such an […]


Another Python family member is Cython. Cython is one of a possible number of solutions to the most painful of Python’s trait – the lack of efficiency. Large and complex mathematical calculations may be easily coded in Python (much easier than in “C” or any other traditional language), but the resulting code’s execution may be extremely […]

Python aka CPython

In addition to Python 2 and Python 3, there is more than one version of each. First of all, there are the Pythons which are maintained by the people gathered around the PSF (Python Software Foundation), a community that aims to develop, improve, expand, and popularize Python and its environment. The PSF’s president is Guido von […]

Python 2 vs. Python 3

There are two main kinds of Python, called Python 2and Python 3. Python 2 is an older version of the original Python. It’s development has since been intentionally stalled, although that doesn’t mean that there are no updates to it. On the contrary, the updates are issued on a regular basis, but they are not intended to modify the […]

Why not Python?

Where can we see Python in action? We see it every day and almost everywhere. It’s used extensively to implement complex Internet services like search engines, cloud storage and tools, social media and so on. Whenever you use any of these services, you are actually very close to Python, although you wouldn’t know it. Many […]